Production from your well can vary greatly on a month-to-month basis, causing your checks to change in value. If your property is producing with a regular decline, your checks typically will be sensitive to the increasing or decreasing energy prices.
NatGas performs a complete evaluation on every well. This allows us to determine the value of each royalty owner’s interest. The evaluations are balanced by analyzing historical production data and determining decline rates. That information is then used to perform future rates of decline to predict production performance and calculate remaining oil and gas reserves. We then use NYMEX futures pricing to help determine the value of those reserves.
There are several factors that may have contributed to the discontinuation of payments.
a) The amount due may not be enough to be distributed. Many companies wait until the amounts reach $50 or even $100 before generating a check.
b) The company responsible for distribution of payment may have changed and the transition may not be complete.
c) The well associated with your interest may no longer be producing oil or gas. All oil and gas wells are depleting and will eventually decline to the point where they are no longer economic to produce.
d) Your interest may be in “Suspense” due to a change of address or a change of ownership not completed correctly.
To determine the exact reason, try contacting the number found on the last check you received.
1. Contact NatGas® by calling +1 (412)-833-1333 or complete the Contact information on the Property Evaluations page.
2. Your personal account manager will contact you and ask for a verbal commitment to sell your property for an agreed upon amount.
3. Send 2-3 recent check stubs from your property for verification of income.
4. Our staff will put together the paperwork necessary to complete the transaction.
You are not under any obligation to sell your interest at any time.
We apologize that we did not answer your question in this forum, but we would have via email or phone. Please feel free to contact us any time.
Sample decline curve of shale gas.
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