Welcome To
NatGas® Resources LLC

How we can help

If you are considering a lump sum payment for your real property assests You’ve come to the right place! 

NatGas® is actively making real estate acquisitions and purchasting producing oneshore or offshore hydrocarbon assets.

We pay cash for producing gas and oil interests.

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Sell your mineral rights, royalties or real estate

NatGas® is a trusted buyer and actively purchasing producing onshore and offshore hydrocarbon assets and real estate.


Contact NatGas® for a free consultaion and evaluation of your asset.

Contact Us Today!

FAQ from Asset Owners

Why sellers elect to sell?

How are do you determine asset values?

Lump sum Payout?

Contact Us Today!

We provide a prompt, free, and no obligation property evaluation.

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Our Areas Of Focus Are Shown Below

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Sell your mineral rights, gas royalties or real estate

NatGas® is a trusted buyer and actively purchasing producing onshore and offshore hydrocarbon assets and real estate.


Contact NatGas® for a free consultaion and evaluation of your asset.

Contact Us Today!

FAQ from Asset Owners

Why sellers elect to sell?

How are do you determine asset values?

Lump sum Payout?